Calendar of Events
Visit Club Sponsor: Headquarters Machine and Restoration
Saturday, March 23, 2024
10am to 12pm open house.
Headquarters Machine and Restoration, 5410 International Parkway, New Hope MN 55428
They are one of our club sponsors and work on mechanical restoration and maintenance of collector cars. They have been in business for over 40 years with lot's of experience. A few years ago, they rebuilt a V-16 motor on a vintage Cadillac that is now in the Gilmore Museum Collection. Hope to see a good turnout to learn about what they do. Food and beverages will be provided.
Tour of Druk Classic Auto Sales
Saturday, February 10th, 2024
10am to 12pm open house.
Druk Classic Auto Sales, 8000 Hi 10 NW, Ramsey MN 55303
Danny Druk is one our club members and will give us a tour of the facility along with serving food and beverages. Should be a fun time!
Brunch at Jimmys Kitchen and Bar
Sunday, January 14, 2024
1:00 pm
Jimmys Kitchen and Bar. 11000 Red Circle Drive, Minnetonka MN
We have room for only 30 people, so contact me at 612-619-3983 leave a message if I don't answer, or need to have a head count no later than Wednesday January 10th.
2024 Winter Banquet
On Sunday January 14th 2024 a group of 12 brave club members ventured out to Jimmy's Kitchen and Bar for our annual winter brunch. Bitter cold -5 below but 70+f in the banquet room with the warm cozy fireplace going. Our brunch was off the menu and just delicious. They always do a bang-up job with great service. We discussed upcoming events which we have quite a lot to do this year. Also, mentioned a club member Dick Hanson passed away last week. He was a long-time member who owned a late 20's Cadillac which he showed quite a lot at shows. After a couple of hours eating and visiting, we all headed home to hide in our warm homes. Let's hope for a warmer day next year. Check out the calendar for upcoming events, and don't forget to check out our website, ( or our Facebook page ( NorthstarCadillacClub) I am sure you will enjoy looking at the pictures. Enclosed are some pictures of the brunch. Keep warm and hope to see a good turnout for our next event.